快 告訴我如何承受你
彷彿有利刀 要將我刺死
快 教會我如何原諒你
事情已過 長夜卻要偷偷說起
為何現在變寄居 一晚晚地過
如何復活再殺死 一次過
凝望你 要撲熄幾多眼火

看著樹林被燒光 多得這幼苗還健壯
心胸內不停淋雨 避過死亡 然而心始終會慌
舔著唇上還熱的湯 但遍體流著冷汗
就算本性極善忘 然而怎可以淡忘
還原不了的一次 犯案

快 告訴我如何維護你
那日早上 我的良朋
人人傳誦那聖經 早已細閱過
明明跪在我腳邊 哭訴過
錯誤怎補救 還是有製造過
原諒你 會否扭轉這結果

看著樹林被燒光 多得這幼苗還健壯
心胸內不停淋雨 避過死亡 然而心始終會慌
舔著唇上還熱的湯 但遍體流著冷汗
就算本性極善忘 然而怎可以淡忘
同林棲息的竟會 說謊

Pakho Chau 周柏豪

Pakho Chau was born November 12, 1984 in Hong Kong and is a Cantopop singer who debuted at Warner Music Hong Kong in 2007 with the EP Beginning.

Pakho always had an interest in music, learning to play the piano at age five as well as the guitar later on. He would then discover his talent in songwriting. Because of his unpaid training under Chan Kwong-Wing (陳光榮) as a sound technician, he learned how to produce songs, which would later help him produce his own.

Besides being a singer-songwriter, Pakho has also modeled, been a basketball player, had a job as a lifeguard, and a piano teacher and has also acted in many films and television shows since 2007 (his first role was as the Cantonese voice actor for the Gingerbread Man in the Shrek franchise).

From the albums